I'm going to get back into working out. I'm really sick of being bored all day and I think if I had some more exercise in my life I'd have a happier outlook on my life. Starting tomorrow I'm going to be taking a kick boxing class and a yoga class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I'm excited but at the same time I'm dreading the kick boxing because I've taken this class before and its tough! But I think if I do it at least once a week and still go running 4 or 5 times a week I will be in better shape.
I'm setting goals for my future and hopefully I can get things figured out for myself. The first step is finding a job, if anyone has any ideas please let me know. Another is eating healthier and remembering to take my vitamins
every day.
I really, really want to get this:
[but its $30.00 a jobless girl doesn't have]

Alicia Silverstone is someone I've admired since I went vegan in 2003. She's done so much for vegans and the environment and its people like this that make me proud to be vegan. [and to be honest I've been lacking on the motivation to stay vegan] I was looking through this at the bookstore a few days ago and it looks like something that could really help me out with feeling better. My body aches and I've been so tired and irritable lately and I know its because I haven't been conscientious about getting the proper proteins and vitamins in my diet.
I feel like I've forgotten how to be artistic over the years. I was going through all my old art stuff and I really miss who I was when I was younger. I was so poetic and so creative and I just feel like an untalented old lady. I want to start writing again. I found about 5 old journals I used to keep that had a ton of old poems, songs, pictures and little drawings. I really miss how much comfort that gave me and I'm going to try and pick it up again.
All in all, I think the goals I've set for myself are definitely attainable and I'm going to do my darnedest to achieve them.