I really want to get wall decals like this:

I want something like this in the living room. I have really high ceilings so I want to put something big on the wall because its right where you walk in. I definitely want something to do with crows, even if they are just flying.

I know for sure I want Japanese cherry blossoms in my bedroom. I just think they are so pretty and calming, especially if there is a trail of them falling like in this picture. I want to put them in the corner and have them long enough to stretch over a 3rd of my wall space. And they for sure have to be red because my blankets/sheets and furniture are all black and red and it will accent that nicely I think.

It's all hardwood flooring so I was thinking I should get a big rug for the living room. I was thinking something like this would be cute but I'm afraid of my whole apartment being black and red. So maybe I could go for something more like:

& I have black curtains and I'm aiming to get a black couch in January so it would look pretty similar to this picture if I got a rug like this one. I want to go for a patterned rug because the apartment feels so bland.
I am so happy to finally be alone. I love being as loud or as quiet as I want, I love walking around in the buff, I love to sit in front of the fireplace and read/eat alphabet soup. I love not sharing my things [I.E. dvds, food, dishes] Things are really comfortable at my house because its mine. I love the thought of that.