I had such an amazing weekend!!
Friday I hung out with my bff Emily and we turned my apartment upside down. Everything is now organized and has its own little place. & then we watched Coco Before Chanel.
Saturday I went to Kimi's baby shower which was awesome! It was nice to meet her family and to see her little baby get everything Kimi ever dreamed of! [Still think we should have a set-everything-up party] Then after the shower I went to a childhood friend's wedding which was a whole lot of awkwardness, I never imagined us growing up to be exact opposites of each other. After the wedding I went to this crappy little bar called Gino's and met up with Emily and Nicole, and we listened to a load of awful karaoke, got invited to get on a bus for a pub crawl [yeahright] and I got a shout out from a guy singing that went a little something like "I just really want that girl with all the tattoos to talk to me".. we left immediately. Theeeen I met up with NC and we went to a 'keg party' [haven't been to one of those since high school] in Bountiful. All in all though, it was a nice night.
Sunday we went to Darlene's get-together and ate such great food and played Pictionary; girls vs boys, and of course, girls won. Then we went to the CYJ show in Ogden which was a kind of fun I haven't had for a really long time. [also got some great video footage I'll put up when I figure it out]
It was such a fun weekend but I didn't get ANY homework done. So, last night I finished a project and today/tonight I have to study my little heart out because I have a test tomorrow! But if all works out I'll still be able to go to Alkaline Trio. We'll see. This weekend is going to be great! Friday is Darlene's bday dinner [HAPPY BIRTHDAY NINJA] and Saturday is the Jazz vs. Rockets game I have tickets to. I haven't been to a Jazz game all season so I'm pretty stoked about it.