Those of you who have Pinterest might have seen this pop up when you log into your account. I just wanted to create a little blog to express my gratitude and respect for what they are doing.
The pop up states what the "Protect IP Act" will do if it is passed. [Although I don't have a picture of the pop-up, you can find info about the Senate Bill 968 here]
There are 2 options to close the pop-up, 1 is a "take action now" button and the other simply says "no thanks". I clicked the take action now button.
It brought me to a webpage that says in bold letters:
Guys, this is so great. You put in your phone number and zip code, then someone calls you to discuss the details of the bill and how it is an infringement on American rights. After you understand the Bill, they connect you to your local senate.
That is amazing. There are a few other websites (Wikipedia, Call the Senate) doing the same or similar things to stand up against this Bill.