So, since it's been quite a while, here's a little update on me & mine. No major changes (other than two weeks ago, I cut my hair to shoulder length, which I'm still not used to but I do like the change.)
Work: I work at the same place that I still absolutely love, & about 6 months ago, I was promoted! I am no longer the receptionist! I've moved into my own office, which I still need to decorate & have been obsessing over on pinterest.
Love: Trev & I celebrated our 2 year anniversary on October 23 (which is Mole Day, so we had a science themed party; pictures soon). After returning from Paris, we moved into our new apartment, which is absolutely incredible. It's been so fun to decorate & organize our little home together. I feel like I have more love for him than I ever thought I would have for anyone. <3 font="" nbsp="">3>
Family: Aiden is still the most incredible, impressive kid I've ever met. I am so proud of him every day & still get blown away with how his mind works. He's also becoming more and more like his father than I ever expected or thought possible. We got Aiden a gaming chair, one of the best gamer headsets you can buy & a pro gamer Xbox controller for Christmas. Recently, he's joined a very prestigious Black Ops 2 guild and it's become so fun to watch him play.
Nerd Life: I am now an iPhone 5 owner. My D&D (Dungeons & Dragons) character (the Drow) is almost level 5. Trev is starting to build arcades; we have 2 in our house now & 1 at his work. I've been reading like crazy! At least 1 book a month, including one I've always wanted to read; Ender's Game. I started playing WOW (World of Warcraft) & my Draenei Hunter is level 89, (Max level is 90), & I'm hesitating on leveling to end game because then I have no idea what to do (N00b).
Soccer: I've been getting way more involved in Trev's soccer supporter's group Salt City United. Since the group has gotten REALLY big over the last year, I've been involving myself more & trying to help Trev keep things organized. We've been working on something for the new season & I can't wait to get it finished! We've been watching the preseason games, but we're SO excited for the First season game on March 3rd & the first home game is on March 16th!
So over all, life has been really good & I'm glad to be back.