Sunday, March 15, 2009


Emily's Scentsy party was such a good time! Its always nice to see my bff's and spend money at the same time. I managed to get away with only buying 1 car air freshener in the most delicious scent [sweet pea and vanilla] I can't wait to have more money because I'm going to buy so much scentsy things its going to be ridiculous.

I couln't be happier with how my arm is starting out.



I love love love it. I can't wait to see it all finished.

Brandi's party was so much fun! We partied pretty hard with Dorito's, Pixistix, Fanta, hot pink cake, Mambas and Mike & Ikes. It felt like it had been so long since we had a night like that so I'm super happy about how turned out. Can't wait for next weekend!!


Overall everything's going good. All I need now is $$$ so I can start saving for the California trip in June. My plan is to save 8 or 9 hundred. Going to be rough, but I think I can do it.


  1. oohh i love your arm! its so pretty! its going to look b.a. when its all finished.

  2. I know! I'm so excited!


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