I feel like there is so much that I want to do, but there is too much holding me back. I've had a series of straight bad luck for the past 2 months, all year really. My heart is broken, I lost my job, I broke my arm, my car got repossessed yesterday, I've become a pretty serious alcoholic and I've gained about 15 pounds. I am trying to keep my head up, but its just become so much that I just want to sleep and not get up. I have such high expectations for myself and when I don't meet them, or feel like such a failure [as I do now] I fall down really hard. I don't know what I can do. I have no motivation.
I want to go to school. I want to go seriously. So that I can actually get an associates degree within 2 years. 2 classes a semester is just a waste of time. I want to go to the Art Institute. I hate going SLCC.
I want to lose weight. I want to get back down to 120. I hate looking at myself in the mirror, as stupid as that sounds. I hate not fitting into my old jeans. I hate trying on swim suites. I feel like my weight has a LOT to do with how disappointed in myself I am.
I want to move. I want to go somewhere where I don't know anyone. I want to get lost every day. I want to fall in love with someone who doesn't know or care about anyone I have dated. Where no has anything to judge me by, except for me, and who I am; not who I know.
I want a job that I can love. That I actually enjoy. I talk to so many people that just love what they do, and I can't say that about any job I've ever had.
Sweetie, I know all about the weight thing!!!! After two kids it is not fun to shop anymore! I buy new close but when I get home I'm so disappointed in how I look. I know Mike would feel alot better about me 15 pounds lighter! Thats why I choped my hair. I need to feel pretty again. However, it didn't work like I planned. My goal this summer is to lose the baby weight. However I've gained two pounds instead.
ReplyDeleteI just wanted you to know that I think you are drop dead beautiful. You prouble don't look anywhere near as bad as you think you do. Kids always cheer me up, so if you want to run away you can come splash in my baby pool with the kids and I. Love you dearly. Whit