I try to set high goals for myself, but recently I haven't really thought about what I want for my future. Here are some simple, short term, ones that I wrote about 2 months ago. There were a few more but I have already reached them.
I want to take sporadic, luxurious vacations with my boyfriend as often as possible

I want to get back to working out 5 times a week

I want to finish all of the tattoos I've started
[Just finished my arm and I have 1 more left to finish!!]

I want to read 2 books a month

I want to start playing my guitar more often
Since moving in with TP I have neglected it a bit

I want to get back to working out 5 times a week

I want to finish all of the tattoos I've started
[Just finished my arm and I have 1 more left to finish!!]
I want to read 2 books a month

I want to start playing my guitar more often
Since moving in with TP I have neglected it a bit

I am sure there are more, I am having a hard time thinking about them.
these are great goals! you can do it girl, you have already accomplished so much and now the possibilities are endless.