Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Goods!

So my Christmas was absolutely amazing. I was definitely spoiled and did, probably too much, spoiling myself. This Christmas has definitely changed my perspective on the Holiday. After this year, I can definitely look forward to next December 25th. These are some of the gifts I got this year:
A Pinkish-Orange Kindle case [and Kindle]
A Tetris coffee mug
A Snake Ring [reptile club]
Gone With The Wind on Blueray [my favorite movie]
The most amazing vacuum I've ever seen [after I used it, I cried a little]
Flower Bomb perfume
Octopus candle and matching matches
Funny nerd magnets
A necklace with a mini hand-held mirror on it.

I got a few other things I can't currently take a picture of including a really awesome lotion set my sister gave me and an incredible vanity that Trev is currently setting up right now so, pics soon.

I am mostly thankful that I got to spend Christmas with my family & second family this year. I am so thankful to have such caring, fun, lively people surround me. I am a lucky, lucky woman.

[Update] Here's the vanity! I know its really cramped in that spot but my apartment is just to small for such fabulous things.. But I love it, and sorry I look like a weirdo.. I'm trying to hide Trev's messy bedside table behind me.


  1. Yaaay! I'm so glad that you are starting to like Christmas! And, super cute gifts.. Jealous!!

  2. So awesome!!! I am glad you had a good Christmas :)

  3. cute vanity! and omg i love flower bomb, i just finished my first bottle last night :'(


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