Wednesday, September 30, 2009


After my [not long enough] day of relaxing I've come to the conclusion that I really want to do this to my hair [color]:




I think I love the last one the most, but I don't think my hair will lighten up that much after having black for so long.

I just love reddish brown hair and I think I'd look really good with it. I've had black hair since I was 16 and I'm really getting sick of it. Plus I want a cute new hairdo for fall/winter!

What do you think?


  1. i wanna go red too for winter. lets doooooo it!

  2. I think your hair would look super cute a reddish-brown color. I think Grace's(I forgot her real name) color would be ADORABLE but more red tends to have more fading... but there is always a price for beauty right? Haha. Yay new hair for fall!!!


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